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Home > About Deosen > What is Xanthan?
  What is Xantham?  

Deosen Xanthan Gum is a high molecular weight polysaccharide, produced through the fermentation of carbohydrates such as corn, using a microbe called xanthomonas campestris. Xanthan gum’s unique molecular structure imparts special functional characteristics in aqueous systems, such as stabilizing and thickening, suspending, rheology modification, bonding and foam enhancement. Xanthan gum is a widely used GRAS food ingredient, with proven functionality and safety in a wide range of food and beverage products, offering these characteristics:

Deosen Xanthan bullet Hot and cold water solubility
Deosen Xanthan bullet High viscosity at low concentrations
Deosen Xanthan bullet Pseudoplastic rheological flow viscosity recovery after shear ceases
Deosen Xanthan bullet Emulsion stabilization
Deosen Xanthan bullet pH stability over a broad range
Deosen Xanthan bullet Stability in high-salt systems
Deosen Xanthan bullet Stability in wide temperature range
Deosen Xanthan bullet Freeze/thaw stability
Deosen Xanthan bullet Compatibility with other gums
Deosen Xanthan Gum also ensures exceptionally consistent quality and functionality and is available in a full range of mesh sizes, viscosities, and packaging.
    Deosen Reorganizes Management, Adds Staff; Cites High Growth in U.S. Xanthan Sales... read more
Trade Shows & Associations
    Deosen will be exhibiting at:
Institute of Food Technologists
IFT Food Expo

Chicago, IL
July 16-19, 2016

Deosen will be attending:
Pharma Chem Outsourcing
Parsippany, NJ
Sept. 19-21, 2016
Supply Side West
Las Vegas, NV
Oct. 4-8, 2016
International Baking Expo
Las Vegas, NV
Oct. 8-10, 2016
International Dairy Show
Orlando, FL
Jan 29-Feb 1, 2017
PLMA's AFIA International Feed Expo
Atlanta, GA
March 6-10, 2017
Deosen is a member of:
 - Institute of Food
 - Association for Dressings &
 - Research Chefs Association

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